
【学术视频】2019年春季北京谱仪III物理与软件国际研讨会 | 中国科学院大学Stephen Lars Olsen教授

KouShare 蔻享学术 2021-04-25

 |  Stephen Lars Olsen

题   目:Quarks: what we know & what we do not know

报告人:Stephen Lars Olsen

单   位:中国科学院大学

时   间:2019-03-28

地   点:湖南师范大学



In the experimentally well eatablished Standard Mode(SM) theory for the fundamental particles and their interactions, the particles that experience the strong nuclear force are quarks and gluons. However individual quarks and gluons have never been seen. Instead, the strongly interacting particles that exist in nature, called hadrons and include particles such a protons, neutrons, π-mesons, etc., are combinations of quark and gluon building blocks that are held togrther by the very strong color force. This force is so strong, the indvidual quark and gluon constituents can never be extracted from a hadron and, thus, are never seen. In principle, the SM theory describes how quarks and gluons combine to from hadrons, but the relevant equations are impossibly difficult to evaluate. As a result, we have a troublesome dilemma in which there is no first-principle connection between the strongly interacting particles of the SM theory, and the hadrons that we see in our experiments. Since theorists seem to be unable to deal with this very unsatisfactory situation, it is left to experimenters to try to find clues as to what the correct theory that relates quarks& gluons to hadrons might be. The BEPCII collider in Beijing is a rich source of many different types of hadrons with an assortment of quark and gluon structures that can be produced in low-background, controlled environments in the BESIII detector, the world's best device for these types of studies. In this talk, I will review basic properties of quarks, gluons and the strong color force, and describe some of the important results from BESIII that address this problem.



Stephen Lars Olsen 于1963年获得了获纽约城市学院学士学位,1970年在威斯康星大学获得物理学博士学位。曾任罗切斯特大学教授(1982-1992),夏威夷大学教授(1992-2009)和首尔国立大学WCU教授(2009-2014)。目前是韩国IBS地下物理中心荣誉研究员(2014年至今)和中国科学院大学国际研究员(2018年至今)。主要在康奈尔大学实验室,日本KEKAMYBelle实验室以及中国科学院高能物理研究所BES实验室进行重夸克及其相关强子的研究。 Olsen教授曾是Alfred P. Sloan研究员(1972-1977 ),John Simon Guggenheim研究员(1986-1987),日本科学促进会研究员(1987-1988)。2002年被授予夏威夷大学董事会卓越研究奖章,2007年被评为威斯康星大学杰出校友。1984 年当选美国物理学会(APS)会士。Olsen教授获得2016年实验粒子物理学中最高荣誉W. K. H. Panof sky奖,以表彰他在B介子衰变中CP对称性破缺的研究及对夸克混合和量子色动力学的贡献。







